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‘Do It Together’, Bristolgo Drink Moor Beer garagardogileekin elkarlanean egindako artisau garagardoak urrezko saria erdietsi du SIBA Independent Beer Awards-etan. Azpian dituzue Justin Hawke, Moor-eko nagusiak honen inguruan idatzitako hitz ederrak. Laster ospatuko dugu elkarrekin, maiatzeko Inglaterrako biran. Zorionak eta osasuna!!

“I take nothing for granted. We’ve worked incredibly hard over 11 years in very adverse conditions, with financial challenges, personal challenges, and unbelievable experiences. Yes, we’ve got walls full of awards (& grey hair) to show for it, but today we got recognition for something super special to me. Because of Berri Txarrak we got involved with Hardcore Hits Cancer. And because of their music and friendship my life (and so many others) is so much richer. Those of us in the brewery feel this beer is one of our favourites and now it is official. Thanks so much to Gorka, Galder and David for trusting us and giving us the inspiration to achieve this dream. Thanks to Canton Tea for bringing us the best. And thanks to the Moor family for never compromising. Never underestimate the power of music, people (and a little beer) to make a positive change. The time is always now. Orain! Eskerrik asko! And very soon we bring this celebration tour to the U.K…”

Играй в захватывающий онлайн-покер! Покер Дом ждёт тебя — присоединяйся, участвуй в турнирах и выигрывай! sap hana migration

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